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Here you will find content related to digital transformation: new publications and projects, vacancies, grant and funding announcements and much more.
Under the title «Smart Education: Effective Learning and Instruction with Digital Technologies», the DSI Community Education is holding its first conference. Master’s and PhD students are invited to present their research on digital education through a competitive poster session.
The Digital MasterClass 2024/25 for the Zurich Cantonal Council ended on March 10 with an event entitled «Digital Healthcare? Current Insights». The participants expressed an interest in further educational events on digital topics.
Two DSI members issue a call for chapter abstracts for a planned edited volume entitled «A Global Perspective on Trust in Health Systems». The submission deadline is April 7, 2025.
The Interactive Visual Data Analysis (IVDA) Group at the University of Zurich (UZH) is seeking a Ph.D. and a Post-Doc (m/f/d) at the intersection of visual analytics, interactive ML, and human-centered AI.
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Ivan De Oliveira Nunes as DSI Professor. Ivan is Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity at the Institute of Computer Science (IfI) at the University of Zurich (UZH).
In our first DSI News of the year, we focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Our newest DSI Community carries AI in its name and is researching the impact of AI on life as a citizen in the 21st century. We show how AI can be of help in crisis situations and present a DSI project that aims to make AI more reliable.
DSI Infrastructures & Labs are shareable infrastructures or structural vessels for creating collaborative research environments related to digital transformation. Prof. Dr. Christof Seiler briefly introduces RAI, one of the projects in this series.
The DSI podcast «Genial digital?» provides answers on topics related to digital transformation. In the first episodes, which were created in collaboration with the DSI Community Work, the podcast focuses on the future of work. The second episode deals with the effects of digitalization on managers.
The DSI Community Health is conducting a SOLIDERA workshop from April 16 to 17 and is looking for PhD students or early postdocs to participate.
In our first DSI Insights 2025, Kilian Sprenkamp, PhD student at the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), uses concrete examples to show how Large Language Models (LLMs) can help with rapid information processing and effective communication in crisis situations.
In the fourth Rapid Action Call, the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) is seeking digitally-based solutions for residential, cultural, working and educational spaces. The submission deadline is April 7, 2025.
The DSI Community Health published a new paper with a set of tools and recommendations to facilitate interdisciplinary education and collaboration.
The paper «‘We Need Time...’: An Expert Survey on Societal Acceptance of Urban Drones» by Dr. Ning Wang, Dr. Nico Mutzner, and Prof. Dr. Karl Blanchet was published in the current issue of the journal «Science and Public Policy».
In the new course «Storytelling for Digital Transformation», students learn how to communicate complex digital topics to different target groups in an effective and engaging way. The course is designed and implemented by CYREN ZH, a project of the DSI Community Cybersecurity.
From now until 25 May 2025, interested students at UZH can apply for the Master's Minor program DSI Minor Digital Skills starting in the Fall Semester 2025 (HS 25). A Liberal Arts Option (LAO) is now also offered to students at the Faculty of Law (RWF).
We are pleased to welcome the fourteenth DSI Community to our ranks. The members of the DSI Community AI (Artificial Intelligence), Culture & Society explore the implications of living as a citizen in the 21st century.
The paper «From Theory to Practice: Viewpoint on Economic Indicators for Trust in Digital Health» by DSI member Felix Gille was published in the current issue of the «Journal of Medical Internet Research».
Those interested can still apply to join the DSI Excellence Program, which starts in September 2025.