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Digital Society Initiative

Job offers at the IVDA Group

The Interactive Visual Data Analysis (IVDA) Group at the University of Zurich (UZH) is seeking a Ph.D. and a Post-Doc (m/f/d) at the intersection of visual analytics, interactive ML, and human-centered AI.

The IVDA Group at UZH is looking for motivated research assistants (m/f/d) for the project «Personalized Visual Analytics: Human Preference Elicitation for Ranking-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Support». The project will develop new approaches for the characterization, design, and evaluation of interactive visual data analysis solutions to combine the strengths of humans and algorithms.

Find out more about the two positions:

The interdisciplinary research focus of the Interactive Visual Data Analysis Group (IVDA) lies at the intersection of Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, HCI, and Machine Learning, emphasizing a human-centered approach to data science and explainable AI. The group is led by DSI Professor Jürgen Bernard.
