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Digital Society Initiative

Completion of the Digital MasterClass for the Zurich Cantonal Council

The Digital MasterClass 2024/25 for the Zurich Cantonal Council ended on March 10 with an event entitled «Digital Healthcare? Current Insights». The participants expressed an interest in further educational events on digital topics.

As part of the Digital MasterClass, members of the Zurich Cantonal Parliament were able to attend five continuing education events – each following council meetings – to learn more about digital topics. Experts from the University of Zurich and other Zurich higher education institutions provided knowledge on a neutral basis. Topics covered included data protection, digitalization in education, and cybersecurity.

On March 10, 2025, the series of events ended with an event entitled «Digital Healthcare? Current Insights.» A subsequent aperitif offered participants the opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal setting.

The Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich (DSI) conducted this Digital MasterClass for the Zurich Cantonal Parliament together with the Digitalization Parliamentary Group of the Zurich Cantonal Parliament. After the last event, the group's co-director Gabriel Mäder thanked those responsible at the DSI and emphasized that the Digital MasterClass had provided him and his parliamentary colleagues with an important basis for their work in the cantonal council. Other participating politicians agreed and signaled interest in further Digital MasterClasses. A survey is currently being conducted among the members of the Zurich Cantonal Parliament, which will serve the organizers as an evaluation and basis for possible further events as part of the Digital MasterClass.

The series of events was supported by the Parldigi association,
Stiftung Mercator Switzerland and the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH). Further information on the content of the Digital MasterClass 2024/25 for the Zurich Cantonal Parliament can be found here.

  • masterclass-zürich-abschluss-1

    Dr. Melanie Knieps in the event «Cybersecurity needs more than just technology»

  • masterclass-zürich-abschluss-2

    Prof. Dr. med. Michael Krauthammer in the event «Digital Healthcare? Current Insights»

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    Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin in the event «Digitalization and Data Protection»
