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Digital Society Initiative

Paper of DSI Professor published in «Nature Human Behavior»

The paper «Political Polarization of News Media and Influencers on Twitter in the 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections» by DSI Professor Alexandre Bovet and nine co-authors was published in the current issue of the journal «Nature Human Behavior».

Social media has been transforming political communication dynamics for over a decade. In their paper, using nearly a billion tweets, Alexandre Bovet and his nine co-authors analyse the change in Twitter’s news media landscape between the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections. Using political bias and fact-checking tools, they measure the volume of politically biased content and the number of users propagating such information. They observe that the fraction of fake and extremely biased content declined between 2016 and 2020. However, results show increasing echo chamber behaviours and latent ideological polarization across the two elections at the user and influencer levels.

«Nature Human Behaviour» is an online-only journal by Springer Nature that calls itself «dedicated to the best research into human behaviour from across the social and natural sciences».

The complete article of Alexandre Bovet and his colleagues can be read here: «Political polarization of news media and influencers on Twitter in the 2016 and 2020 US presidential elections»