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Digital Society Initiative

Combining the DSI and USZ expertise to tackle the digital transformation of healthcare

In the workshop «DSI meets USZ», ten scientists from the DSI Community Health presented their methodological skills and ongoing projects to an audience of researchers and staff members of the University Hospital Zurich. The workshop’s mission was to bring the two communities closer and to foster collaborations.

«The digital transformation of healthcare is a top priority for the University Hospital, and the digital expertise of DSI communities is most welcome», stated Prof. Dr. med. Christian Bauman, Medical Co-Director of the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) in his opening address. Therefore, learning about respective needs and skills is critical to leverage synergies, for example to analyze unstructured electronic health records using machine learning methods.

Picking up on this cue, Dr. Gerold Schneider showcased different approaches to natural language processing of patient data. In the subsequent talk, Jana Sedlakova reminded the audience that the use and implementation of artificial intelligence in healthcare is also fraught with ethical and philosophical challenges, which need to be approached in a pragmatic manner. However, AI needs lots of data. Federica Zavattaro and Kimon Papadopoulos highlighted several principles that help to gain the public’s trust for health data sharing, which are also useful for building trustful patient-doctor relationships.

The talk by Dr. Kathrin Blum also touched on issues of trust building in the implementation of healthcare innovation in routine healthcare. Her presentation clearly underscored that knowing the stakeholders and the implementation context are key to successfully establishing new innovations. «Know your stakeholders» also resonated well with Clara-Maria Barth, who presented her user-centered development approach for digital personalized diabetes type 1 management. Finally, Prof. Dr. Viktor von Wyl, presented his vision for next-generation observational health studies that include patients as research partners and integrate wearables and speech-to-text technologies to enable remote, real-time insights into the lives of people with chronic diseases.

The closing words belonged to co-organizer Prof. Dr. Janna Hastings who thanked the moderator Marie Wosny and the Clinical Trails Center for the excellent collaboration in setting up this workshop. She also highlighted that the diverse presentations, although representative, are not able to showcase the full breadth of the DSI expertise with over 100 affiliated researchers in the DSI Community Health alone. Shaping collaborations and networks also requires continuous efforts, and the «DSI meets USZ» workshop was an excellent starting point.

The DSI communities welcome new members and collaborations. If you are interested in participating in the DSI Community Health, contact the Community manager Jana Sedlakova.