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Digital Society Initiative

UZH Innovation Grants

The UZH Innovation Grants are an early-stage funding support for research-based innovations at the University of Zurich.

The purpose of the Innovation Grants program is to bring research-based ideas with a strong innovation potential off the ground and sharpen projects for further funding and implementation. Projects selected for an Innovation Grant will receive CHF 10’000, coaching and access to the UZH innovation community.


What does the Grant support?

The Grants can be used to validate a product idea, sharpen the plan for implementation and prepare for fundraising. Specifically, the Grants may fund activities such as market analyses, user testing, impact assessment and the development of prototypes.


Support program

Successful applicants will be supported by a dedicated entrepreneurship coach throughout the project period. In addition, further support programs including special events, networking opportunities and space access in the domains BioTech & MedTech, Digital Innovation and Sustainable Society are offered.


Who can apply?

Eligible applicants are researchers with an employment at the University of Zurich. This includes doctoral students, PostDocs and Professors.


How to apply?

It is possible to apply for the Innovation Grants twice per year, on September 1st and March 1st. Applicants needs to submit a short project description, a 3 min pitch video and his or her CV. Learn more about the Grants here.