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Digital Society Initiative

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«Digital Skills»: Community of Practice Meeting

The new study program «Digital Skills» of the DSI prepares students of all faculties of the UZH for the digital transformation. This minor with a scope of 30 ECTS at Master's level is built up and continuously developed together with a Community of Practice (CoP). On March 17, 2023, over 40 people attended the meeting of this CoP.

The Community of Practice (CoP) of the DSI study program Digital Skills consists of the interdisciplinary network of researchers of the Digital Society Initiative (DSI), the UFSP Digital Religion(s), members of the DSI Communities, interested students and other facilitators of the University of Zurich (UZH). On Friday, March 17, this CoP met for the third time and developed several mindmaps on digital transformation from different perspectives in a world café format. These mindmaps serve as the basis for the introductory module «Digital Transformation - An Overview», which is being developed under the leadership of Michael Coors together with the DSI Professors.

In the second part, interested participants took part in a brainstorming session - with the aim of enriching the project ideas with further suggestions from the CoP. These projects will be piloted in the fall semester 2023 in the project module «Teamwork on Digital Transformation Challenges» together with interdisciplinary teams of students.

An example of such a project is «Artificial Digital Imaginations and the Human Body» by Janna Hastings. Here, a team from the Institute of Anatomy at the UZH Faculty of Medicine was recruited as the first network partners.

For the projects of Liudmila Zavolokina and Julian März, which aim to improve the situation of Ukrainian refugees, Pastor Markus Haltiner of the «Evang.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Dübendorf-Schwerzenbach» could be won as the first outreach partner. Markus Haltiner attended the CoP meeting together with three women from Ukraine and helped the researchers to better understand the perspective of those affected. Other exciting pilot projects are being managed by Fabian Winiger, Melanie Knieps, Hoda Allahbakhshi and Ladina Tschander.

After the brainstorming session, the lunch that followed provided an opportunity to network within the community of practice.

The organizers would like to thank all participants for their valuable contribution and look forward to further collaboration.


The «Digital Skills» study program and individual modules are delivered through the School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS).