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The DSI AI-Week 2023: a retrospect

During the 18th - 22nd September 2023, the DSI Community Ethics Ethics organized a dynamic series of workshops, lectures and public events, focusing on the societal and ethical issues posed by artificial intelligence (AI): the DSI AI-Week 2023.

The DSI AI-Week 2023 kicked off with a thought-provoking two-day interdisciplinary academic workshop focusing on the ethics of emotion computing. Its participants and speakers represented areas from philosophy, media science, medical science and also computer science. The discourse delved into the intricate nature of emotions, their significance in human-computer interaction, and the far-reaching implications of emotion detection technology. The week unfolded further with an enlightening lecture by Laura Rosella, centering on the pivotal role of AI in public health. Emphasizing AI as a crucial tool in public health, Rosella underscored the importance of its judicious and ethical utilization.

Wednesday afternoon brought an insightful conversation with Paulina Lewandowska, a conversational designer from Roche, as part of the Apéro Philo series, where she shed light on the role of conversational agents in healthcare. From the stimulating discussions arising from the event, the dialogue underscored the paramount importance of prioritizing patient needs in the developmental process of such digital tools. As the week progressed, Thursday and Friday witnessed a deeper exploration of the humanization of healthcare chatbots, through a two-day academic workshop. Notably, the discussions were centered around considerations for the diverse needs of various patient groups. Throughout the workshop, a prevailing theme revolved around the question of responsibility and moral answerability.

The finale of DSI AI-Week 2023 culminated in an engaging public discussion themed «Making Sense of AI Hype.» The event commenced with a captivating lecture by Prof. Walther Ch. Zimmerli, followed by insightful inputs from Prof. Janna Hastings, Dr. Christian Hugo Hoffmann, and Pascal Kaufmann. A panel discussion, with questions from participants, saw the discussion delving deeper into inquiries about the essence of intelligence, consciousness, and the strategic navigation of AI development trends.

Are you interested in the work of the DSI Community Ethics? Here the community introduces itself.