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Digital Society Initiative

Start of the Apéro Philo series

The DSI Community Ethics invites all interested parties to the first session of the Apéro Philo series on May 11, 2023. The event focuses on the topic «Digital Wellbeing: Conceptualization, Empirical Results, Challenges».

In an increasingly digital society, our good lives are highly affected by digital technologies. This leads to the questions what digital wellbeing is and whether digital technologies are more effective in improving our wellbeing than traditional ways, as well as what socio-ethical risks digital wellbeing technologies bring about. The first meeting of the Apéro Philo Series attempts to answer these questions with Michael Latzer (Professor of Media Change & Innovation at UZH) and Noemi Festic (Senior Research at the Department of Communication and Media Research at UZH). They will give a talk entitled «Digital Wellbeing: Conceptualization, Empirical Results, Challenges», followed by a discussion and an Apéro.

Unlike formal academic settings, such as conferences or seminars, Apéro Philo facilitates discussions in a more relaxed, friendly, and inclusive environment, which gives more space for creativity and networking. Meanwhile, unlike informal social settings, such as lunch or tea breaks, Apéro Philo hosts discussions of a philosophical and thought-provoking nature. This can help researchers and students to engage in interdisciplinary scholarly exchanges, and to enhance their reasoning and public speaking skills.

You can find all information about the first Apéro Philo event of the DSI Community Ethics as well as the registration form here.