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Digital Society Initiative

Special Call Ukraine in the DSI PhD Excellence Program

The DSI is launching a special call offering three scholarships for young researchers from Ukrainian universities who are no longer able to work or research at their home faculty due to the war. We invite Ukrainian PhD candidates working on issues relating to the digital transformation of society to apply for this special call by May 31, 2022.

The DSI Excellence Program is a complementary PhD program. It features interdisciplinary courses about digital skills and technical knowledge, interdisciplinary thinking and problemsolving, and critical reflection on all aspects of a digital society, including ethical, legal and societal aspects of digital change. Students accepted to the DSI program take part in a PhD program in their respective discipline at UZH and in addition participate in the Excellence Program studies.

In addition to having a suitable area of research, applicants for the scholarships must meet at least one of the following criteria: Ukrainian citizenship, graduation from a Ukrainian university, or young researchers working on a PhD at a Ukrainian university who are unable to complete it due to the war in Ukraine.

Application until 31.05.2022

Further Information: here
