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Digital Society Initiative

Kick-off Event of the DSI Community Sustainability

Energy use of blockchain technologies, AI-informed policy recommendation, changes in corporate sustainability reporting and much more: Researchers at UZH are working in many practical applications where processes of digitalization and sustainability interact. They also ask them self more general questions on the sometimes ambivalent interplay between these encompassing societal transformations. The (virtual) kick-off event of the DSI community Sustainability made that clear

The new community will connect researchers working on the interplay between digitalization and societal sustainability transformations. Twelve people attended the the kick-off event and contributed their visions for the new community. As a next step in the spring semester of 2022, the community will organize a workshop to formulate an official application to receive community status by the end of the year. In June, a second meeting will allow community members to learn about each other’s research in a playful manner.

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