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Digital Society Initiative

IfI Summer School 2022

The IfI Summer School is a week-long event for PhD students and research assistants in informatics and related fields, where invited experts teach a number of different topics in one or two day-long courses. The IfI Summer School 2022 will take place between 27 June - 1 July 2022 at the Department of Informatics of the University of Zurich (UZH).

Program Overview - IFI Summer School 2022

27 June - Prof. Dr. Kevin Crowston (Syracuse University, USA): Introduction to Social Computing

28 June - Prof. Dr. Guido Salvaneschi (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland): Programming Languages - a Journey into Abstraction and Composition 

28 June - 29 June  - Prof. Dr. Robert Winter (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland): Design Science Research Methodology (2-day-course)

29 June - Dr. André Anjos (Idiap Research Institute Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Manuel Günther (University of Zurich, Switzerland): From Scripts to Reusable Software and Reproducible Research

30 June  - Dr. Markus Wulfmeier (Google DeepMind, London, UK): Advances in Reinforcement Learning and Knowledge Transfer

1 July  - Dr. Dan Russell (Google, USA): HCI and AI: The human aspects of designing and building AI and ML systems


Further information and registration: IfI Summer School 2022
