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Digital Society Initiative

18 new professorships for digitalization

The University of Zurich is investing in digital change: with 18 new professorships in the field of digitalization, it is positioning itself internationally as a center for research into digital change.

As part of the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI), the University of Zurich is creating eight new professorial chairs and ten assistant professorships dedicated to tackling the many faces of digitalization. “It’s a unique step for us, to expand so much and so quickly in one area,” admits President Michael Hengartner. But, he adds, it is a necessity: “Digitalization is moving so fast that we cannot simply wait for existing professorships to become available.” The 18 professorships will create a critical mass, in particular enabling interdisciplinary cooperation between faculties to be increased and new courses offered.

The complete UZH-News article can be found here.
