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Digital Society Initiative

The call for NRP 77 (Digital Transformation) is now open

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) launches a call for the National Research Programme "Digital Transformation" (NRP 77) based on a mandate from the Federal Council. Researchers can submit their pre-proposals for NRP 77 "Digital Transformation" until 25 February 2019.

Presided by Professor Abraham Bernstein from University of Zurich and the Director of the Digital Society Initiative, the Steering Committee of NRP 77 is composed of nine experts from Switzerland and abroad. The members of the Steering Committee cover the different disciplines and fields addressed in NRP 77.

The National Research Programme “Digital Transformation” (NRP 77) will investigate the interrelationships and concrete effects of digital transformation in Switzerland.

The focus of the programme will be on education and learning, on ethics, trustworthiness and governance and on the economy and the labour market.

More information on the Call can be found here.
