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Digital Society Initiative

DSI launches "UZH Digital Forum" event series

Is the open Internet history? Florent Thouvenin, Chair of Information and Communication Law at the UZH, and Nationalrat Balthasar Glättli discussed this topic at the UZH Digital Forum on 16 April 2018. 

The presentations of the two speakers focused on central questions such as: Is the Internet still boundless? And what about the original idea of the World Wide Web? What are real benefits of blocking the internet? And: how neutral is the network in Switzerland anyway? With their interesting presentations, the two speakers stimulated an open and lively exchange among the audience. Lorena Jaume-PalasÍ from AlgorithmWatch unfortunately had to cancel her trip to Zurich due to illness. 
In the right column you can watch a video of the event (in German).
Please find here some impressions of the event:

Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum
Digital Forum


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