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Digital Society Initiative

Hackathon «Crowdsourcing Data Analysis»

Within the scope of the second Digital Day the University of Zurich organized in collaboration with the Open Data sections of both the Canton and the City of Zurich and with Wikidata a Hackathon taking place in the Kunsthalle Zurich within the exposition 100 Ways of Thinking. Approximately 30 Hackers collaborated in an inspiring atmosphere amidst the exposition.

Out of the 9 initially proposed Challenges 4 were tackled by the participants:

  • Baumkataster: This team developed the so-called “Baum-Radar 2.0”. They combined information from LIDAR data, the Zurich Baumkataster, Open Street Map and Wikipedia and built a website giving information about the trees growing in Zurich.
  • #zhweb: This team especially pointed out their fun in data exploration. The app they built allows to find out which google search keywords led google to the website of the Canton of Zurich and its subdomains.
  • #zueriwieneu: “Züri wie neu” is an existing app which allows citizens to send requests regarding damages they observe within the city. When sending a notification the citizen has to add a category in order to specify what the request is about (trash, plants,…). The challenge was to automatically categorize the notifications or at least to offer a maximum of three categories the user can choose from.
  • #osmcompleteness: This group tried to filter Open Street Map data by year. While this team faced problems in the implementation and couldn’t present a final product they were still able to advise participants of the other challenges.
