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Digital Society Initiative

Digital change at your fingertips

Digitalization is becoming the fourth industrial revolution. On Digital Day, the UZH presented the possibilities of digitalization and what digital change means at Zurich Central Station.

As part of the second Digital Day, researchers from the University of Zurich showed how digitalization affects many areas of our everyday lives. Whether media use, politics, the use of language or even religion: digital means open up new possibilities everywhere, but also raise new questions. "Is God Online?" asked theologian Thomas Schlag, for example, to the audience in Zurich's Bahnhofshalle. Media scientist Linards Udris explained how Facebook and other media are replacing the traditional mass media as news suppliers.

How do you become a better person, or how can you change your lifestyle? In the health world, UZH researchers presented a digital coach who supports you, for example, if you want to change your eating habits or reduce social fears.

How digital means are used in medicine today and in the future was also demonstrated in a series of lectures and in laboratory tours at the University, the ETH, as well as at the University Hospital and Balgrist University Hospital. The Institute of Forensic Medicine demonstrated how forensic specialists are helping to solve accidents and crimes with virtual crime scene reconstructions. The exhibition "100 Ways of Thinking - University of Zurich in the Kunsthalle" at the Kunsthalle Zurich was also attended by students and other interested parties who took part in a hackathon on Open Data.

The complete UZH-News article can be found here.
