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Digital Society Initiative

UZH and DSI at the Digital Festival

Alexander Seifert represented UZH and the DSI at the event "Innovation for More Self-Determination and Inclusion" at this year's Digital Festival.

In cooperation with Pascale Bruderer's initiative "Autonomy thanks to Technology" the session showed exciting insights into the everyday obstacles for disabled people and showed which innovative and technological solutions can be used to reduce these obstacles.

Alexander Seifert gave a lecture on "Autonomy in old age" and pointed out both difficulties and potentials that older people encounter in everyday life. Difficulties include in particular the shift to online services, such as tax returns, e-banking and payment by mobile phone. Older people face the hurdle that they have yet to learn the new technology. Nevertheless, his research also shows that older people have a greater sense of independence through being connected.


Weiterführende Informationen

Alexander Seifert

Alexander Seifert

Autonomy in old age

Autonomy in old age

Influence on every day activities

Influence on every day activities