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Digital Society Initiative


The DSI Community Sustainability is the university-wide hub for researchers and interested persons to consider, discuss, and explore the interplay between sustainability and digitalization from inter-, intra-, and transdisciplinary perspectives.

Sustainability and digitalization represent two important and far-reaching social and technological transformation processes in our society. The community aims to shed light on the various aspects of these transformation processes with the involvement of researchers from different disciplines and experts from the field. Our community focuses on normative discussions as well as empirical research and the direct practical application of research results. Through collaboration with actors from different sectors, we aim to develop direct implications for theory and practice. We want to build a community whose members responsibly promote sustainable digitalization and digital sustainability in the university as well as in private and public.

Here you can find more information about the DSI Community Sustainability.

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How can I participate?

Register for the DSI network and then contact the community (see Contact).
We look forward to welcoming you to the DSI circle.


You can contact the DSI Community Sustainability via mail.

Microsite DSI Community Sustainability