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Pascale Vonmont is director of Gebert Rüf Stifung, the largest private science and innovation-funding foundation in Switzerland. Pascale manages the operational side of the foundation's support programs and is cross-linking key strategic initiatives, communities, clusters and partners involved in programs and topics.
She is a member of the executive committee of Swiss Foundations and Member of the Foundation Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
One focal point of her activity is entrepreneurship more precisely the transfer of science to market. Since its launch in 2007, she has headed the strategy board of the «Venture Kick» program. Venture Kick supports potential entrepreneurs with pre-seed capital, know-how of experienced experts and entrepreneurs and access to a national network of investors. Pascale has been President of the «Startupticker» board of trustees since 2015, the Swiss start-up and innovation news channel. Since 2016 she is a member of the board of digitalswitzerland a national, cross-industry initiative with the goal to position Switzerland as a leading digital innovation hub in Europe. Her portfolio as board member is focused on the topics «Startup Enablement» and «Education & Talent».