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Digital Society Initiative

Successful presentation of the UZH on the 3rd Swiss Digital Day

Short lecture for everyone - The third Swiss Digital Day took place on 3 September. Two researchers from the Digital Society Initiative, Jasmine Ho and Fabrizio Gilardi, presented their research work on the big stage at the HB Zurich. For those who missed it, you can watch the videos here.

More about the presence of the UZH on Digital Day 2019 and an interview in German with Jasmine Ho can be found here.


Weiterführende Informationen

Jasmine Ho: "Auf dem Weg zur virtuellen Verkörperung: Wie kann Virtual Reality unsere Körperwahrnehmung und Geist verändern?"

Fabrizio Gilardi: Wer gewinnt die Wahl im Internet? Eine Analyse des Digitalen Wahlkampfes in der Schweiz