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Digital Society Initiative

Three new projects for the DSI Infrastructures & Labs series

Three project applications were approved in this year's DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call.

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are shared infrastructures or structural vessels for the creation of collaborative research environments related to digital transformation. In addition to the existing DSI Infrastructures & Labs, three new ones have been approved for funding as part of this year's call:

  • Digital Device Use Self-Monitoring Platform (D2USP): A digital device use data-logging and self-monitoring platform for researchers and citizens that is privacy-considerate, customizable and easy to use and install.

  • RAI Platform—Reliable AI for Biomedicine: A platform that will help researchers in biomedicine to quantify uncertainty for their prediction models.

  • Statistical Time Series Analysis Guide (STAG): An infrastructure project that aims to empower UZH researchers to improve ease of management of time series data in their scientific workflows, increasing their rigor and efficiency.

We congratulate the project teams and wish them every success. Further information on the three new DSI Infrastructures & Labs will be communicated from August 2024.