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Digital Society Initiative

DIZH Rapid Action Call: five projects of DSI members funded

As part of its third Rapid Action Call, the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) is funding six projects that contribute to strengthening digital resilience and security. DSI members are involved in five of these funded projects.

Current developments and the increasingly easy access to digital tools are accelerating and expanding the range of possibilities in the creative use of digital content and formats, but also harbor the risks of uncontrolled use. In its third Rapid Action Call, the DIZH is therefore funding six projects that deal with data protection and digital self-protection, media literacy and digital resilience as well as AI assistance and trust in new technology.

DSI members are directly involved in five of the six funded projects:

  • The «UnRealBody» project is developing an intervention to protect young people from the negative influences of unrealistic AI-generated body images and to strengthen their digital resilience.
  • The project «Digital resilience: Tool for AI and deepfake literacy among young people» is developing an interactive online tool to improve critical thinking and media literacy.
  • The project «AI Literacy in Swiss Journalism» researches the use of AI in Swiss news media and develops measures to strengthen the AI literacy of journalists and audiences.
  • «Cyber Safari» promotes the digital resilience of young people through playful learning.
  • The aim of the «TRUST-RAD» project is to integrate trust mechanisms into radiological AI assistance tools to ensure the reliability and relevance of the generated content. 


We congratulate the project teams and wish them every success.

More information on the third Rapid Action Call and the funded projects can be found under this link.