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Digital Society Initiative

Promoting cybersecurity with ethics and law

For over three years, researchers from the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the University of Zurich and the University of Lausanne have been examining the ethical and legal aspects of cybersecurity. The results of the project have been presented at various closing events in recent weeks.

In the project «Creating an ethical and legal governance framework for trustworthy cybersecurity in Switzerland», researchers from the DSI and the University of Lausanne developed findings and recommendations on non-technical aspects of cybersecurity as part of the National Research Program 77 «Digital Transformation».

The need for legislation was specified at several events for the attention of national and cantonal parliaments, the research community and the business community. In particular, the project aims to address the following points:

  1. A sharpening of the legal definition of the concept of «critical infrastructure» and an expansion of the scope of application of the minimum cyber security requirements in the Information Security Act.
  2. A tightening of the existing legal minimum requirements for cyber security.
  3. The introduction of additional legal requirements for IT services, in particular digital security services.

Research in the field of cyber security will continue at the DSI. The DSI currently hosts the DIZH structure CYREN ZH, which aims to promote research and education in the field of cybersecurity at the UZH and ZHAW and contribute to the development of a volunteer network in the field of cybersecurity.

Further information on the project «Creating an ethical and legal governance framework for trustworthy cybersecurity in Switzerland» can be found here.