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Digital Society Initiative

Workshop on Open Access, Open & Community Peer Review

Join the DSI Communities Digital Humanities and Libraries for their «Workshop on Open Access, Open & Community Peer Review: Rethinking Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Humanities» exploring new models of scholarly publishing in the digital humanities. Traditional publishing often relies on intermediaries, slowing access and increasing costs. This workshop will explore ways to streamline publishing, increase transparency, and foster collaboration.

The topics will include university presses, public-private partnerships, preprint infrastructures and open access platforms that can accelerate the dissemination of research results. In addition, community and open peer review will be discussed in order to promote inclusivity and shared authority in scientific communication.

Finally, open-source tools such as Git, Quire and Quarto will be presented. These are designed to simplify workflows in publishing and peer review and make them more adaptable and research-friendly.

The Digital History Network Switzerland, including Prof. Dr. Michael Piotrowski, Dr. Moritz Feichtinger and Dominic Weber, will contribute their expertise to guide the discussions.

When / Wann: April 30, 2024, 14:00 - 17:00

Where / Wo: University of Zurich, Main Building, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich, Seminarraum KOL-G-212

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: Link

Organisation: DSI Community Digital Humanities & DSI Community Libraries


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