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Digital Society Initiative

GenTec: An interdisciplinary Workshop Series on Gender and Technology

This interdisciplinary series delves into the ways gender and technology interact within contemporary society. With a focus on feminist perspectives and empirical research, it will examine different forms of technologies and their interaction or impact on gender, race, class, among others. The series aims to promote critical dialogue and offer empirical and practical insights that are relevant to fostering inclusive design strategies. Key themes include intersectionality, digital equity, and the impact of technologies on marginalized communities.

When / Wann: every Tuesday lunchtime (12:00 - 13:00) from March 11 until April 15, 2025 (see program below)

Where / Wo: Room Schrödinger, SOC-E-006, Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: Link

Organisation: DSI Community Ethics, Computer Science Network of Women (CSNOW), Society for Women in Social Sciences and Humanities (SWISH) & ETH Diversity

further Information / weitere Informationen: Link / for any questions, contact the main organizer:


11.03.2025 Opening Workshop – Gender, Race, and Technology: An introduction with Dr. Michele Loi
18.03.2025 Workshop 2 – Relationships in Digital Spaces with Dr. Jessica Pidoux and tba

Workshop 3 – Intersectionality and Technology with Dr. Daniela Jaramillo-Dent and Qingyi Ren

01.04.2025 Workshop 4 – AI in Public Spaces: Biases, Harms and Risks (tba)
08.04.2025 Workshop 5 – AI, Gender, and Religion with Prof. Beth Singler
15.04.2025 Closing Workshop – TBA

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Bei Veranstaltungen der Digital Society Initiative (DSI) können Foto- und/oder Videoaufnahmen gemacht werden. Diese werden auf den Kommunikationskanälen der DSI und/oder der Universität Zürich (UZH) verwendet.

Photos & Filming

Photographs and/or videos may be taken at events organized by the Digital Society Initiative (DSI). The recordings will be used on the communication channels of the DSI and/or the University of Zurich (UZH).