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Digital Society Initiative

CYREN ZH Summer School 2025

CYREN ZH Summer School 2025 – Human Factors in Cybersecurity and Privacy: Interdisciplinary Research Methods

Human factors in cybersecurity and privacy are an emerging field for research and industry and due to the increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, their importance is growing. To enhance cybersecurity through fostering cyberresilience, recent approaches in research ask for novel methods to account for enabling approaches that view human factors and technology as partners.

Thus, aiming to provide detailed knowledge and hands-on experience, the participants of the CYREN ZH Summer School 2025 are going to understand in-depth and apply interdisciplinary research methods (e.g. mixed-methods approaches, the use of AI in research) from the field of Social Sciences, but also with inputs from Computer Science. Further, this summer school is supplemented with an emphasis on transdisciplinary topics such as communication skills, ethical considerations, and collaborations with industry.

The Summer School welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds interested in understanding and applying different research methods/approaches for interdisciplinary research focused on human factors in cybersecurity.

When / Wann: July 7 - 11, 2025

Where / Wo: Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

More information / Weitere Informationen: Link

Organisation: CYREN ZH, a project of the DSI Community Cybersecurity

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