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Digital Society Initiative

Philosophy of AI – Session 3: Drones for Public Safety

The theme of the series «Philosophy of AI» is to present various debates in the philosophy of AI. The talks will be offered by experts coming from several disciplines around AI and digital innovation, and the aim of the series is generally to foster cross-pollination and interaction between different fields. This includes (not exhaustively) philosophy, engineering, information systems, informatics, law, political sciences, sociology.


3. Session: «Called for Higher Standards: Drones for Public Safety»

Drones are being increasingly utilized by public authorities, including the police force. Their use offers potential improvements in efficiency and safety. Although current regulations address citizens’ concerns about airspace safety and privacy, there is a lack of guidance for authorities on how to design and utilize drones in a manner that the public views as legitimate, particularly in the context of law enforcement. Specifically, there has been minimal attention paid to the unique concerns of witnesses and bystanders who are particularly vulnerable during crime and emergency situations. Without this understanding, the police may use technology that could intimidate the very people they are sworn to protect.

This talk by Mateusz Dolata and Dzmitry Katsiuba will discuss the criteria citizens employ when assessing the use of drones by public institutions such as the police or fire departments. Initially, the speakers will examine drone usage from the viewpoints of legal and regulatory aspects, criminology and security, as well as technology acceptance. Subsequently, they will concentrate on the specific instance of police drone usage during robbery incidents. They will investigate the considerations and apprehensions citizens have regarding drone usage by public authorities, and suggest a theoretical framework to ensure legitimate use of drones. The speakers will wrap up by demonstrating how some of the safeguards proposed in this framework can be effectively implemented through appropriate technology design.

When / Wann: April 9, 2024, 15:00 - 16:30

Where / Wo: Digital Library Space, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: Link

Organisation: DSI Community Ethics

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