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Digital Society Initiative

Panel Discussion on AI, Human Rights and Law

The DSI Community AI & Law is a platform for addressing the legal challenges of artificial intelligence, fostering academic discussions with an interdisciplinary perspective and facilitating networking among researchers, students and professionals. During the Spring Semester 2024 the community organizes a series of panel discussions for exploring the legal issues around artificial intelligence with an interdisciplinary perspective.

The third panel discussion titled «AI, Human Rights and Law» looks at the impact of AI on human rights. The panelists aim to examine the implications and potential risks of AI on human rights especially with regards to privacy, health, information, non-discrimination, then compare and discuss emerging regulatory approaches from around the globe and examine different perspectives, such as the risk-based and human-centric approach. The event will be followed by an Apéro. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join.

When / Wann: May 22, 2024, 19:00

Where / Wo: DSI Event Room SOC-E-010, Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: Link

Organisation: DSI Community AI & Law


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