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Digital Society Initiative

Towards Bridging Digital Editions: ORD-Xplore

The DSI Community Libraries is elighted to announce that one of its associated research projects, ORD-Xplore, is coming to a fruitful conclusion. ORD-Xplore occupied itself with digital editions in the context of usability and accessibility. Digital editions are collections of historical documents in digital form, commonly used in digital libraries and research, including the digital humanities. While they provide valuable open research data, they often exist as isolated islands on the Web. Their diversity, heterogeneity, and varying use of standards pose significant interoperability challenges, hindering efficient access, findability, and reusability. To assist digital librarians in unifying these editions, ORD-Xplore aimed to develop an interactive visual data analysis tool, established in collaboration with experts from the UZH Zentrum für Digitale Editionen (ZDE).  

ORD-Xplore enables experts to explore textual, temporal, and spatial connection types across six digital editions, from the ZDE. ORD-Xplore is an important step towards wider accessibility of heterogeneous open research data in digital editions, enhancing standardization and cross-edition interoperability. The participants of this event are presented with the opportunity to gain valuable insight into the project fresh off the printing press so to speak.  

When / Wann: July 10, 2024, 16:00 - 17:30 (apéritif from 17:30) 

Where / Wo: Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: Not required, but an email to is appreciated if you plan on coming.

Organisation: DSI Community Libraries



16:00 Opening (30min) 
  • Ruedi Mumenthaler: «The ORD Landscape and the Problem Context of ORD-Xplore»
  • Yann Stricker: «The Digital Editions project, TEI-XML, and ORD-XPlore as a tool for FAIR editions»
  • Jürgen Bernard: «ORD-Xplore: Bridging Digital Editions - project results and evolution»
  • Madhav Sachdeva: «Interactive Live Demo of ORD-Xplore and Walkthrough»
16:30 Activity (30min) 
  • Engaging with six Digital Editions using ORD-Xplore 
  • Insights about Digital Editions and their connectivity 
  short break
17:00 Discussion (non-exclusive list of topics) (30min) 
  • Findability of Digital Editions 
  • Interoperability and Reuse of Digital Editions 
  • Connection types of Digital Editions 
  • Vision: Seamless Navigation across Islands of Digital Editions 

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