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Digital Society Initiative

The post-Fordist neoliberal university and the algorithmized digital citizen

The DSI Community Libraries has been able to invite Arjun Sanyal, who is a librarian at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India, for a talk on acadamic librarianship. The main focus of his talk, underpinned by a critical librarianship flavour, is on the issue of why, notwithstanding, the overarching neoliberal presence, the role of academic libraries in creating discerning users of information remains crucial, for ensuring the flourishing of vibrant democracies.

In this regard, the very concept of digital literacy is a nuanced one with several facets, like media literacy, information literacy, audio-visual literacy and so on. To his mind, algorithmic literacy is a suitable concept, albeit complex, but nonetheless comprehensively potent, embracing other forms of literacy and entails a thorough understanding of the very social milieu that it affects. In fact, the increasing algorithmization of our social selves, including our socio-cognitive aspects, lulls us into a false sense of techno-optimism. Hence, fathoming the algorithmic social reality is easier said than done.

In his talk, Arjun Sanyal will endeavour to present a conceptual framework for rethinking the modus operandi of digital literacy agenda in today's post-Fordist neoliberal universities and institutes of higher education against the backdrop of an increasingly algorithmized social milieu. The conceptual framework put forth as a blueprint for implementation is actually scaffolded through the lens of certain theoretical constructs to get an insight into the sociotechnical aspects of the algorithmic social reality.

When / Wann: March 22, 2024, 15:30 - 17:30

Where / Wo: SOC F 106, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich

Language / Sprache:  English

Registration / Anmeldung: No registration is necessary.

Organisation: DSI Community Libraries


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