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Digital Society Initiative

Apéro Digital: Manufacturing Innovation

Is the innovation capacity of the Swiss industry at risk? What are the innovative strengths, challenges, and opportunities in industry R&D? How can stakeholders foster cross-sectoral collaboration strategically?

Apéro Digital is launching its second event, in collaboration with the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW), on the topic Collaboration in R&D for the Swiss Manufacturing Industry.

The latest study conducted by the SATW in collaboration with the Swissmem shows that, in spite of the declining employment numbers and challenges in R&D, future-oriented investments can promote innovation in industry. At this vernissage event, we will learn about the results of the study on the innovative strengths of the Swiss industry, and explore how various players from business, politics, and science can benefit from active collaboration with each other. The event offers an opportunity for SMEs, innovators, and business leaders to exchange ideas with experts and interesting partners. The aim of the event is to support the Swiss industry to continue standing out in a competitive international environment in the future. The event will conclude with an exquisite Apéro Riche for community networking.

When / Wann: 19. Juni 2024, 15:00 - 17:00

Where / Wo: SOC-E-010, Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich

Language / Sprache: German

Registration / Anmeldung: Link


About Apéro Digital

Apéro Digital is an event series funded by the DIZH Innovation Program with a focus on outreach. With the vision of fostering collaboration around digitalization and innovation around the Greater Zurich Area, events are organized in engaging formats including public talks, round tables, expert or citizen panels, peer exchanges, fireside chats, and networking opportunities – all with a participatory and co-creation approach. By combining technology foresight, storytelling, and shared experiences, we aim to deepen collective understandings about societal transformations driven by digitalization. The project is managed by The BRIDGE Lab at the University of Zurich (UZH) and the Responsible AI Innovation Group at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). For further information, please visit the project website and the LinkedIn page.


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Photographs and/or videos may be taken at events organized by the Digital Society Initiative (DSI). The recordings will be used on the communication channels of the DSI and/or the University of Zurich (UZH).