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Digital Society Initiative

Natural Language Processing Workshop

Kurz & knapp:

New methods of analysis enable us to process ever larger amounts of text. One wide-spread use-case is measuring latent constructs in these texts, e.g., sentiment recognition in tweets, political orientation in party manifestos, or politicians’ reputation in newspaper articles. Yet, such methods involve many incremental processes and need to be carefully validated. Therefore, the Computational Methods Working Group (CMWG) at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich offers a one-day workshop on “Natural Language Processing in Practice” with Felix Hamborg (University of Konstanz).


Wann: 29. November 2021 / 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Wo: Digital Society Initiative, Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich

Sprache: Englisch


Weitere Infos:

We invite early career researchers from all social science fields to apply. The tutorials will be in Python, and easy-to-follow Python files will be provided to the participants. Prior (general) programming experience is an asset, and some prior experience in Python will help participants to get the most out of the hands-on exercises. Thus, participants unexperienced in Python are invited to make themselves familiar with Python basics before the start of the workshop.

With a focus on natural language processing (NLP) in practice, the workshop will equip participants with the knowledge to apply NLP to their own research. Participants will experience and discuss real-world issues and questions they may face during their projects. Covered topics include text parsing, word embeddings, clustering, sentiment classification, and training as well as testing your own classifier (for sentiment classification). Additionally, the workshop will cover best practices for achieving high code reusability and low maintenance efforts for your data science projects. We will thus use PyCharm, an integrated development environment, and learn how to write functions and to use the debugger, amongst other things.


Hier anmelden.

Bitte melden Sie sich bis Montag, 22. November 2021 an. Die Teilnehmerzahl für diese Veranstaltung ist begrenzt. Die Anmeldung erfolgt in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs der Anmeldungen.


Kontaktinformationen des Organisationsteams:
Computational Methods Working Group (CMWG), University of Zurich & ETH Zurich; or Der Workshop wird unterstützt durch die Graduate School der Universität Zürich und die Digital Society Initiative der Universität Zürich.

Weiterführende Informationen

Programm Flyer

Flyer Natural Language Processing Workshop